Thursday, October 18, 2012

Winston gets a Radish....

Tonight I got home early and decided to start dinner. As always I had two little helpers, Winston and Cash. I go to the fridge to grad the cauliflower and the onions. I'm making cauliflower mash which I am very obsessed with right now! And I like to make it with all the different colored cauliflower we are getting right now, orange, purple, green.
So I grab the items and walk to the counter to put them down, and left the door propped open ( I know mom and dad.....) because I was going back for more. Before I start my prep I go into the living room to turn the channel to Real Housewives of Miami, which I also obsessed with now. And what do I find? Winston munching down on the white radish! He must have snicked it out of the crisper when I left the door open. Needless to say he did not get to keep his spoils.