Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween Goes to the Dogs

I love to dress Winston and Cash up each Halloween. We don't really do anything but they look so cute! Here are some great Halloween costumes I found for dogs. Enjoy. Happy Monday!

Source: via Crystal on Pinterest

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Breakfast for the Week - Egg Muffins

For the past 6 weeks I have been low-carb, low-sugar and I feel great and have lost 9 lbs!!! As part of the 6 week routine I have had to adjust and ensure I had food that I could eat and not give into the temptation of bagels and pizza. So I have been making egg "Muffins" for my breakfast. I make a dozen each Sunday night to last me the work week. They are so easy and you depending on what you add to them you can change it up each week. They would also be great if you were having a lot of people over for brunch for for Christmas morning.
Here is what you need:
Egg Whites
Muffin Pan
Non-Stick Spray
Oven Pre-heated to 350

I add peppers, fozen spinach, and onions. In a skillet cook all of your items until they become tender. Besure to add any spices and seasonings you like. I add Mrs.Dash Garlic Blend. 
Remenber to spray your muffin tin with non-stick spray. Once items are cooked disperce evenly in all 12 muffin slots. Sprinkle cheese on top of the mixture.
Once all items are added fill cups with egg whites. Add Salt and Pepper at this time and stir with a spoon to mix in all ingredients.
Bake at 350 for 15 - 20 minutes depending on how you like your eggs. If you are cooking these for the week remeber you will re-heat these in the microwave for 1 minute.


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Winston gets a Radish....

Tonight I got home early and decided to start dinner. As always I had two little helpers, Winston and Cash. I go to the fridge to grad the cauliflower and the onions. I'm making cauliflower mash which I am very obsessed with right now! And I like to make it with all the different colored cauliflower we are getting right now, orange, purple, green.
So I grab the items and walk to the counter to put them down, and left the door propped open ( I know mom and dad.....) because I was going back for more. Before I start my prep I go into the living room to turn the channel to Real Housewives of Miami, which I also obsessed with now. And what do I find? Winston munching down on the white radish! He must have snicked it out of the crisper when I left the door open. Needless to say he did not get to keep his spoils.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Breakfast at Roxy's Diner

On our way to Oktoberfest we stopped off to have breakfast and prep for the beers were were about to consume. As with most of our adventures we had no plan. Walking through Fremont we stumbled across Roxy's Diner. It was 9am on Saturday and packed so we knew it had to be good. And it was!
The menu was amazing. It was a hard choice but eventually we made it. Take a look it is not that easy. As bad as I wanted a bagel, and will be going back for one we both decided on a scramble. This was some of the best breakfast I have ever had. I recommend if you are in the area stop in and grab a bite. You will not regret it. Find it Here:

Sneak Peek at the Menu:

Jared's Breakfast: "The San Jaun" Chorizo, Onions, Black Olives, Sour Cream, Salsa, and
Cheddar Cheese. Served with Homefries, toast and Beer.

My Breakfast: "Green Eggs and Ham" Ham, Pesto, Grilled Onions and Asiago Cheese. Served with Hashbrowns, toast, fresh strawberry jam and coffee.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Fremont Oktoberfest 2012

Oktoberfest is one of our favorite events of the year. We have been going to Oktoberfest every year since we met, this is now our 8th year. Now that we are in Seattle we decided to go to the Fremont Oktoberfest this year. It was a lot of fun, but really different from all the other Oktoberfest we have been to. It was much more of a beer-fest than German Fest. There were over 40 breweries serving 2-4 beers each. We both received 12 tokens to get 5oz tasting per token. It was a blast. Of course we were the early birds and got there when it opened but once it started to get to crazy we were ready to head home. Don't worry all we rode the bus there and back.

Jared's First Beer of the Day 11am. We also set up camp at a table in the middle of the tents :)

Humm... what beer next??

Halfway through the day.

Jared reviews the map to see what to get now. And it started to get busy.

We survived Fremont Oktoberfest 2012! 4pm.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Cash Waits...

One Wednesday I left work early with a bad case of allergies, so I got to see what the beagle do all day. Well most of the day it was what I expected..... they slept. But once 5:15pm arrived Cash jumped up and sat on the back of the couch. There he looked out the window and did not move for 15 minutes. The front door opened and he jumped down to greet Jared. I don't know what he was thinking but I believe he was waiting for Jared to get home. No matter what it was super cute.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Ink + Dryer = BIG MESS

Sunday is laundry day. This has been standard in our house for years. Today was not a happy laundry day. I put in our first of three loads today and everything was off to a good start. Well not after that first load dried. I go to take out the Jared's jeans and there it is, ink all over my hands. This is when panic set in and I realized there must have been a pen in Jared's pocket. Yes that was it and it busted all over the dryer. The good new was my sweater I tossed in at the end took one for the team and only a little got on the jeans. The bad news is my dryer is now covered with blue ink! So I Googled "ink in dryer" and this great website comes up. The Happy Housewife, here she had the same thing happen and was able to get it out with fingernail polish. So I took her advise and went to cleaning the dryer. Well my results were not as great as hers but it helped a lot.

Before: Notice the pen marks.

After: Most of the big marks are gone but I could not get the area around the lent trap to come off.