Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Szechuan Green Beans

Shortly after Jared and I moved to Seattle we ate at this hole in the wall Szechuan  restaurant in Redmond. We had heard about it from our downstairs neighbors. When we walked in to the restaurant it was packed. No only with people but with smoke. My first thought was "Is this normal?" My second thought was "Breath Susie Breath!!!" This was not just any smoke it was that smoke you get when you cook really hot peppers. Of course I started to cough, but one think I knew we were not leaving. The smell coming out of that kitchen was amazing. I would fight thought it, plus I was the only one coughing so I knew I had to buck up and look like a local.

We ordered a few dishes so we could try multiple items since it was all new to use. But the one item we both walked away completely in love with was the green beans. They were the Szechuan Green Beans. As soon as we got home Jared looked this up and was determined to make it. And he did. The first time he cooked it the whole house smoked, but the flavors were there. Now over a year later he has perfected the recipes and we have it often.

Warning: This will smoke up your house unless you have a killer vent-a-hood. But you will make this over and over again.

Gather what you will need:
Green Beans, washed and trimmed
Small dried chilies
Canola Oil mixed with Chili Oil

Heat oil mix over high heat. Let heat until it starts to smoke. You will be frying the green beans.

Make sure your green beans are dry. If they are wet your gonna have a bad time.

Keep the green beans moving in the wok. You want an even crisp on all the beans. While Jared tends to the beans Winston and Cash wait right outside the kitchen just in case they are needed to help clean up.

Once the beans are crisp remove from the wok onto a paper towel to train off any extra oil.

Heat Wok back up to medium high. Add chilies, ginger, garlic, onions, and szechuan  peppercorns. Cook for 3-4 minutes until flavors have combined. Adjust the heat by the number of dried chilies. I like3 but Jared has not found his limit yet.

Pour mixture onto the green beans and mix lightly. Serve and Enjoy!