Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Sunny Day in the Park

We enjoy the summer sun at the Park with the beagles! Finally it feels like summer here. The temperature got up to 91 degrees. That is amazingly HOT here. To all our Texas friends I know you are laughing but I am spoiled now. After 27 years of 100+ degree summer days I am happy to complain about 91.

We head across the street to   The Olympic Sculpture Park. It is the perfect destination for an afternoon walk on a sunny day. We all enjoy laying in the grass over looking the Sound. Sometimes we are lucky and see marine life. The other day we saw a harbor seal close to the waters edge. That same day we saw bold eagle land in the tree top 50 feet away from us.

It will never stop amazing me how amazing the Seattle area is. It has been a huge change from Texas but we never regret the move. Nowhere that we have lived have we been able to look out one window and see a mountain range and the water,then look out the other and see Mt. Ranier, a volcano!

More pictures of the Beagle enjoying the sun.

Crows are his enemies. He will stop at nothing until they are all gone. He plots his next move. The only problem is he is tied to me!

He love to pose for the camera.


Winston waits on a treat for being a good dog. So he thinks.

 Cash looks on as another dog walks by.