Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wine Tasting in Oregon

    What better way to spend a long Labor Day weekend but with family and wine tasting. This past weekend Jared and meet his parents in Oregon for the long weekend. Now here is the awesome part John and Linda do not live in Oregon they live in Texas. They are on an adventure around the Western part of the US. Recently they set out in their RV for their maiden voyage and this weekend they ended up in Portland.
While we were visiting we went to a few wineries and vineyards around the Portland area. There were some great and some good.

Our Journey began at the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum. This was not a planned tasting but how could we pass up wine named for the Spruce Goose? This was from the Evergreen Vineyards, I did not taste this time but the family said it was very good. We left with three bottles :)

The family tasting.

The Spruce Goose wine selection.

Next we ended up at the Lange Estate Winery. Not this is not our winery but we can dream. Jared's parents had found this wine before in Texas and were a member of the wine club. Now that we saw the signs we had to stop and I am glad we did. It was the best wine stop of the weekend. We had a tasting then got a bottle of Pinot Noir Willamette Valley and enjoyed the scenery on the back patio over looking the vineyard.

Bottle on the Patio.

Jared and his dad overlooking the vineyard.

The next day we went back to visit two other wineries. Not as good as Lange Estate. Here are some other snapshots of the weekend. 

                                                          Vineyards at Ponzi Vineyards.

 Vineyards at Ponzi Vineyards.

Happy group after wine tasting at Argyle Winery!