Thursday, November 8, 2012

Tips Everyone Should Know

As most people are I am crazy over Pinterest. Many people ask me "Do you go back and look at what you pin?". Of course I do. I am a picky pinner. I don't belive in pinning someting I would never use, do, buy, or read. One of my boards is my "Tips" Board. I love this. Everytime someone has great advise or tips I pin it here. Some ideas are genius and some are helpful or now and later. I thought I would pass on some of my favs and there will be more to come...

Submerge your green onion ends in a glass of water and place by a sunny window. The green tips will start to grow back and you can use them again. I have tried this and it does really work. The key the sunny window. If you do not place it by the windos you greens will turn yellow.

Use your soda can tabs to extend your closet. My hangers do not fit but this is a great idea if you have hangers that do fit within the tabs.

Hydrogen Peroxide can save your dogs life. By giving your dog a small amount of hydrogen Peroxide you can induce vomiting. I did use this when our dog Cash ate a bottle of advil. We gave him a table spoon ( he is 30lbs) and waited 10 minutes. He vomited up the advil. We then gave it to him again until the vomit came out clear. Read more here before tying this. Which I wish nonone ever to have to.

Use a coaster under your honey to ensure it does not drip. We love our honey. At any time you can find 3 differnt jars of honey in our cabnet. This really does help.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Double Rainbow at Work

It is the rainy season in Seattle but the best part about rain is a rainbow!! One afternoon during a meeting at work the rain stops and out comes a double rainbow. It was so amazing the meeting stopped and everyone got up and took a picture.
This is what I love about Seattle.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Winston Goes to the Market

Winston and I took a trip to Pike Market. He was so overwelmbed with the smells but had a blast.